Find out the complete Jaipur weather forecast for today including temperature, rain prediction, AQI, sunrise-sunset timing and more.
Weather in Jaipur Today
What will the weather be like in Jaipur today? As a Jaipur resident, let me give you a detailed update on our city's weather forecast today:
- Jaipur skies are likely to be partly cloudy for the most part of the day with chances of light to moderate rain towards evening/night.
- Maximum temperature is expected to be around 34 degree Celsius during the daytime.
- Minimum temperature will likely be around 27 degree Celsius.
- Winds will be moderate and blow from the east direction at 14-18 km/hr.
- Humidity levels are forecasted to be high and vary between 60% to 80%.
- Sunrise in Jaipur today will be at 5:48 AM while sunset will take place at 6:58 PM.
- The overall air quality is predicted to be 'satisfactory' as per the Air Quality Index (AQI).
- However, areas around busy roads may experience moderate AQI at times.
- Light to moderate rain along with winds expected in the evening or night. Carry umbrellas if going out.
In summary, Jaipur is likely to have warm weather along with chances of light rains today. The weather will remain humid over the next few days as well. Hoping this detailed weather update helps you plan your day in Jaipur accordingly. Stay safe!