Khatu Shyam Birthday Date 2024 - श्री खाटूश्याम जन्मोत्सव

Khatu Shyam birthday celebration of spiritual figures' birthdays holds a special place in the hearts of devotees. One such revered figure is Khatu Shyam Baba, whose birthday is awaited with great anticipation by his followers.

In the year 2023, the date is the 23rd of November, on the friday, falling on a Friday. The birth anniversary of Shri Khatu Shyam ji is celebrated with grandeur every year on the Dev Uthani Ekadashi of Kartik Shukla Paksha.

Khatu Shyam Mandir

The celebration of Khatu Shyam Baba's birthday is a remarkable affair, particularly at the Khatu Shyam Mandir.

The temple committee orchestrates an extraordinary ceremonial bathing ritual for Baba Shyam.

This ritual involves bathing the deity with a concoction of scented waters, including rose, champa, and jasmine, infused with the essence of spiritual devotion.

Khatu Shyam Birthday - श्याम बाबा का जन्मदिन कब है 2023

Khatu Shyam's birthday in 2023 falls on the 23rd of November, which happens to be a Thursday.

This annual observance is not just a date on the calendar; it's a time when devotees come together to honor the life and teachings of Khatu Shyam.

Significance of Khatu Shyam's birth anniversary holds great importance, and people from various walks of life gather to pay their respects and seek blessings.

A Unique Ritual at Khatu Shyam Mandir

At the revered Khatu Shyam Mandir, a special ceremony is conducted to mark this auspicious day.

The temple committee orchestrates a ceremonial bath, symbolically known as "snaan," where Khatu Shyam is bathed with a concoction of aromatic oils like rose, jasmine, and champak, along with an array of meticulously crafted floral garlands.

This ritualistic bath is a way to honor and adorn the deity, signifying the purity and sanctity of the occasion.

Frequently Asked Questions

खाटू श्याम का बर्थडे कब है 2023?

Khatu Shyam Birthday Date 2023: हारे का सहारा कहे जाने वाले बाबा खाटू श्याम का जन्मदिन आज यानी 23 नवंबर को मनाया जा रहा है.

खाटू श्याम मंदिर 2023 में कब खुलेगा?

गुरुवार (7 सितंबर) को दो घंटे के लिए खाटू श्याम जी का मंदिर बंद रहेगा, उसके बाद फिर इसे पूर्व की भांति खोल दिया जायेगा.


Shyam Baba Birthday, celebrated on the 23rd of November in 2023, offers a unique opportunity for devotees to come together and pay homage to his divine presence. This day holds a special place in the hearts of those who revere Khatu Shyam teachings and blessings.

By understanding the significance of this occasion and the rituals associated with it, you can foster a deeper connection with Khatu Shyam's spiritual legacy.

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