Oxolo AI

Oxolo is a revolutionary design to code converter that streamlines the development process by automatically turning your design files into production-ready code.


What is Oxolo?

Oxolo is an innovative design to code converter that bridges the gap between design and development. By leveraging advanced AI technology, Oxolo can automatically convert your design files, such as Figma, Sketch, or Adobe XD, into production-ready code for various platforms, including web, mobile, and desktop applications. This powerful tool streamlines the development process, enabling designers and developers to collaborate more efficiently and accelerate project delivery.


  • Saves time by automating the code generation process
  • Ensures pixel-perfect translations from design to code
  • Supports multiple design tools and coding frameworks
  • Facilitates seamless collaboration between designers and developers
  • Reduces the risk of human errors and inconsistencies


  • Limited customization options for complex or custom components
  • Potential for compatibility issues with certain design elements
  • Reliance on the tool regular updates and maintenance
  • Steeper learning curve for designers and developers unfamiliar with the platform

Key Features

  • Design to Code Conversion: Oxolo's core functionality is its ability to convert design files from popular tools like Figma, Sketch, and Adobe XD into production-ready code for various platforms and frameworks.
  • AI-Powered Conversion: Leveraging advanced AI technology, Oxolo accurately translates design elements, styles, and interactions into clean and optimized code.
  • Multi-Platform Support: Generate code for web applications (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), mobile apps (React Native, Swift, Kotlin), and desktop applications (Electron, WPF, Qt).
  • Collaboration Tools: Oxolo provides collaboration features that enable designers and developers to work together seamlessly, facilitating communication and streamlining the development process.
  • Continuous Updates: Regular updates ensure that Oxolo stays compatible with the latest design tools and coding frameworks, ensuring a smooth and efficient workflow.

Pricing and Plans

Oxolo offers a freemium pricing model with different plans to cater to various user needs:

  • Free Plan: Get started with basic features and a limited number of conversions for personal or small-scale projects.
  • Pro Plan: Unlock advanced features, unlimited conversions, priority support, and team collaboration tools for a monthly or annual subscription fee.
  • Enterprise Plan: Tailored solutions for businesses and organizations with dedicated support, custom integrations, and advanced security and compliance features.


Published at:May 30, 2024 (2mo ago)
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