Pixelicious AI

Pixelicious offers an online tool to convert images into pixel art, perfect for game developers and retro art enthusiasts.


What is Pixelicious?

Pixelicious is a user-friendly online tool that converts images into pixel art, catering to game developers and fans of the pixel art style. The platform allows users to upload images and adjust the pixelation level to create retro-style pixel art masterpieces.

One of its key features is the ability to remove backgrounds, enabling artists to focus on the subject without distractions.

Use Cases:

  • Image-to-Pixel Art Conversion: Easy conversion of images into pixel art.
  • Background Removal: Isolate subjects with a transparent background for better integration into projects².
  • User-Friendly Interface: Designed for simplicity and ease of use².
  • Online Accessibility: Access the tool from anywhere with an internet connection².
  • Downloadable Results: Save your pixel art creations for further use².


  • Simple image-to-pixel art conversion
  • Background removal for clean designs
  • Accessible online interface
  • No technical skills required
  • Downloadable pixel art for various uses


  • Dependent on original image quality
  • Limited to pixel art style
  • May require creative input for best results

Frequently Asked Questions

Published at:May 21, 2024 (2mo ago)
Gradient background