Spoke AI

Spoke.ai, an advanced AI tool that summarizes Slack conversations and provides instant context.

What is Spoke.ai?

Spoke.ai is an AI-powered tool that excels in streamlining communications and task management. It's designed to be an indispensable tool for product teams and professionals inundated with copious amounts of information.


  • AI-Powered Summarization
  • Task Management
  • Unified Communications


  • Limited Customization
  • Dependent on AI Analysis
  • Internet Connection Required


  • AI-Powered Summarization: Summarizes Slack conversations and provides instant context.
  • Task Management: Helps users stay updated on important updates and prioritize tasks.
  • Unified Communications: Unifies all of your communications and notifications in one application.
  • Integration with Slack, Jira, and Notion: Specifically designed to work with Slack, Jira, and Notion.

Frequently Asked Questions

Published at:May 6, 2024 (2mo ago)
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