August 26, 2023 (2y ago)

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MPNRC stands for Madhya Pradesh Nursing Registration Council. It is the state-level statutory body responsible for registering nursing professionals in Madhya Pradesh.

Let's learn more about MPNRC - its registration process, exam details, website services etc.

What is MPNRC?

The Madhya Pradesh Nursing Registration Council was established under the Madhya Pradesh Nurses Registration Act, 1949.

It maintains a register of all nursing professionals in the state and regulates their education and training.

MPNRC Registration Process

To get registered with MPNRC, nurses must fulfill the following steps:

Obtain the registration form from the MPNRC office or download it from the website in all details like personal information, education, training etc. Incomplete forms are not accepted.Submit the form along with supporting documents and registration fee.Renew registration every 5 years by paying the prescribed renewal fee.MPNRC Exams

MPNRC conducts various exams for different nursing courses like GNM, ANM, B.Sc etc.

The exam admit cards can be downloaded from the website. Results are announced within a stipulated time.

CUIMS Full Form – Chandigarh University Portal 2023

MPNRC Website Services

The MPNRC website allows you to:

Check registration application statusDownload registration certificatesView exam calendar and admit cardCheck resultsLodge complaints and grievances

Overall, MPNRC plays a key role in monitoring nursing education, training and practice in Madhya Pradesh.

Registering with it is mandatory for all practicing nurses in the state.

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