
Enhance coding productivity with IntelliCode's AI-driven development features.

What is IntelliCode?

IntelliCode is an AI-powered coding assistant for Visual Studio Code, providing developers with intelligent suggestions, code completions, and insights based on machine learning algorithms. This extension leverages an understanding of your code context and combines it with machine learning models to offer relevant recommendations, ultimately enhancing productivity and improving coding efficiency.

PricingFreemium with paid plans
Best ForPython, TypeScript/JavaScript, Java
AvailabilityVisual Studio Code extension

Pros and Cons:


  • AI-driven code suggestions and completions
  • Improved coding productivity
  • Contextual code insights


  • Potential for inaccurate or irrelevant suggestions
  • Limited language support
  • Dependence on machine learning model quality

Key Features:

  • AI-powered code suggestions and completions
  • Contextual code insights and recommendations
  • Support for Python, TypeScript/JavaScript, and Java
  • Integration with Visual Studio Code
  • Customizable settings and preferences

Pricing and Availability:

IntelliCode follows a freemium pricing model, offering a free basic version and paid premium plans with additional features and capabilities. Pricing details for premium plans are not publicly disclosed. The extension is available for download from the Visual Studio Code Marketplace and can be easily installed and integrated into your development environment.


Published at:June 2, 2024 (24d ago)
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